Tuesday 14 May 2019

Encouraging physical activity throughout the school day

This journal article is about how school can affect children and young people’s physical activity in a positive way. In the introduction, there is information about general grades of physical activity in children and young people which is D- , and grade of Australian school that B+, because of their positive role in development and supporting physical activity.
The Active Healthy Kids Australia 2018 Report Card did a research about 12 different effective indicators on children’s physical activity such as general school environment and current level of physical activity engagement in schools. Dr Natasha Schranz explains importance of school higher grade in this research. Then article talks about other indicator which is current school physical activity participation earned grade B. The report has shown that infrastructure, policies, programs and practices and PE teachers can be affective. To conclude, the report suggested some proposal for development of each indicator such as ‘learning to move and moving to learn’ and supporting schools by society and governments.


Tuesday 30 April 2019

Immigration to Australia, 1992 & 2002

Being bilingual good for the brain

Being being has many benefits such as higher math scores in students, higher salaries for employees and also makes person to be more open to other cultures. Also there is some benefits for brain. studies shown that bilingual s brain has many measurable positive activities such as improved memory, good decision making skills and also prevents Alzheimer by keeping the brain active. Better concentration and problem solving is another benefits of being bilingual. it s proven that bilingual people can switch quickly between tasks which results in dementia to appear later.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Languages in Australia

This pie chart is about languages spoken in Australia. English is the most popular language in Australia (80%) after that we can see Mandarin Chinese (1.6%) and Italian (1.4%) have the second and third place. Arabic(1.3%), Greek(1.3%), Cantonese(1.2%) are the other languages that people speak in Australia.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Eating more of this nutrient supports muscle strength as we age



        Benefits of nitrate in diets:
  • Heart
  • lower risk of stroke <40%
  • blood pressure 
  • maintain muscle strength
  • popular sports supplement        

  • Protein=king of muscle mass food,nitrate= king of muscle strength food
  • nitrate rich veggies:spinach,rocket,lettuce=improves muscle strength
  • Sarcopenia= after age pf 30,loosing 3%-5% muscle mass per decade
  • to prevent sarcopenia :1. exercise   2.nutrition
  • 1420 over 70 years old Australian women :.highest intake nitrate =more strong, 1.6 sec faster in function tes
  • enough protein intakes ,lake of veggies intake
  • only 7% Australian eat enough veggies 

      This article discussed about importance vegetables in our daily diet. vegetables have nitrate         which  is good for muscle strength and body function .After 30, we loose 3 to 5 percent of muscle mass per decade which is called sarcopenia. we can prevent sarcopenia by exercise and good diet.
dr sim and his team studied about muscle strength and physical function of 1420 Australian woman over 70 and they realized that taking more vegetables that contains nitrate helps their strength and physical function.He also mentioned that Australian people have enough intakes of protein but they should also eat enough proteins too.

    reflection :
i think this article is good and makes people to think about the importance of taking vegetables.