Sunday 31 March 2019

Eating more of this nutrient supports muscle strength as we age


        Benefits of nitrate in diets:
  • Heart
  • lower risk of stroke <40%
  • blood pressure 
  • maintain muscle strength
  • popular sports supplement        

  • Protein=king of muscle mass food,nitrate= king of muscle strength food
  • nitrate rich veggies:spinach,rocket,lettuce=improves muscle strength
  • Sarcopenia= after age pf 30,loosing 3%-5% muscle mass per decade
  • to prevent sarcopenia :1. exercise   2.nutrition
  • 1420 over 70 years old Australian women :.highest intake nitrate =more strong, 1.6 sec faster in function tes
  • enough protein intakes ,lake of veggies intake
  • only 7% Australian eat enough veggies 

      This article discussed about importance vegetables in our daily diet. vegetables have nitrate         which  is good for muscle strength and body function .After 30, we loose 3 to 5 percent of muscle mass per decade which is called sarcopenia. we can prevent sarcopenia by exercise and good diet.
dr sim and his team studied about muscle strength and physical function of 1420 Australian woman over 70 and they realized that taking more vegetables that contains nitrate helps their strength and physical function.He also mentioned that Australian people have enough intakes of protein but they should also eat enough proteins too.

    reflection :
i think this article is good and makes people to think about the importance of taking vegetables.